Heyoka’s Workbench


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What the heck does »Odradeks literarische Butterfahrt« mean? – Well, it means: four friends and yours truly live on stage in Cologne.

7 July 2024

A Kid’s Kurious Kareer Kraze

Why the blog author, had he a liking for plaster busts on his desk, wouldn’t opt for Goethe or Schiller, but for one of Mr Litfaß.

22 June 2024

By the Pond

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30 May 2024


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4 May 2024

Songs in Ink (19)

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7 April 2024

On Good Terms

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26 March 2024


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8 March 2024

One Rule

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27 February 2024


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27 January 2024

Hiker’s High

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20 January 2024

My 2023 Reads

Paul and Jesus remade; the first century of the Turkish republic; surrealism galore; some short fiction, some more not-so-short non-fiction – and a book for the paper bin.

5 January 2024


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22 December 2023

Par Avion

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8 December 2023

Mermaid (Intergalactic)

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24 November 2023


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12 November 2023


A tale of the modern city dweller’s troubles. Demonstrating that the contrary of lack of beauty is not necessarily just beauty.

15 October 2023

Lexi & Pi

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30 September 2023

Club of Duellists

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10 September 2023


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25 August 2023

Asteroid Pity

The intensity of relief and joy at leaving the cinema well before the end of the movie is proportional to the critics’ praise of said movie.

5 August 2023


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23 July 2023

Clothes Make the Man

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16 July 2023


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5 July 2023

Riding the Lion

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16 June 2023

Let There Be Images

Trying to figure the drained net weight of what the internet has given us since it went pictorial.

2 June 2023

Songs in Ink (18)

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5 May 2023


For once, the blog author goes musical. Well, sort of …

23 April 2023

One Small Beach Towel

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30 March 2023

Way Up North

About one who loves winter and blogs on it.

14 March 2023

Kayaks and Umiaks

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8 March 2023

Letter to the Unknown Mobber

To all the mobbers out there. And to all of us who mix up words and appearances with thinking and acting.

12 February 2023


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2 February 2023

My Best (and Other) Reads in 2022

Cycling; AI, big data and the implications; two novels that provided mixed or no pleasure; and a motley pile of more non-fiction books about this and that.

14 January 2023


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6 January 2023

The Next Generation

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22 October 2022

Being (Very) Serious

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7 October 2022

The Appliance

A narrative that might be read as a cautionary tale (though the humble author, regrettably, could not spare the time to further elaborate on the lesson to be learned).

22 September 2022


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31 August 2022

Still Life

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26 August 2022


The blog author looking back on the only time in his life when he held an office. His tenure, though, was similarly successful as his career as a precocious novelist.

11 August 2022


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29 July 2022


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4 July 2022

17 June

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17 June 2022

On the Street

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7 June 2022

Judging the Past

After having read this little article the reader might feel inclined to say: »OK, blogger« – or not.

22 May 2022


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6 May 2022

Selenicereus Grandiflorus

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14 April 2022

Non Scholae …

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30 March 2022

Songs in Ink (17)

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12 March 2022


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22 February 2022

Another Seventy

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28 January 2022

My Best Reads in 2021

Short novels; the world of fungi; a glance into the human mind; and on mudsills, crackers, and rednecks.

5 January 2022

Ecce Homo

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29 December 2021


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15 December 2021

Wintry Sketch

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3 December 2021

The Teacher – A Novel

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13 November 2021

Math and Myth

The very true account of a business trip, demonstrating why a businessman should not be swayed by legend.

24 October 2021


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8 October 2021

Righter (Than You)

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28 September 2021

Sacapuntas y Azulejo

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12 September 2021

Toning Exercises

Musing on a very beneficial kind of mediocrity.

17 August 2021

Giro del Mondo Dantesco

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12 July 2021

DJ Wurstmeister

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8 June 2021


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27 May 2021

Songs in Ink (16)

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7 May 2021


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18 April 2021

Photo Session

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9 April 2021

Reading is …

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21 March 2021

Roaring Again?

Some musings on history: in what way it will most probably not repeat itself. Or will it?

11 March 2021


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27 February 2021

Le Savoir-Faire

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18 February 2021


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12 February 2021


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28 January 2021

My Best Reads in 2020

A literary discovery, a couple of modern classics (or novels that should be considered so), three lives, and just a small dose of pure history this time.

3 January 2021

Music in the Air

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20 December 2020


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5 December 2020

Space Port

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22 November 2020

Donné par Maman

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12 November 2020

Job Opportunity

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25 October 2020


An edifying and instructive conversation between two persons not to be further specified which was transcribed with due diligence and accuracy and with deep-felt reverence for the art and tradition of Socratic dialogue.

19 October 2020


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8 October 2020


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29 September 2020


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7 September 2020


Summer is nearing its end. A good time to sit down with a cup of coffee for a casual minute of contemplation and retrospection. – On what makes us and what draws us close to each other: not our opinions …

26 August 2020

Just Routine Work

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5 August 2020


Raving about a novel from 1931 that has blown me away.

10 July 2020


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19 June 2020

Para o Brasil!

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3 June 2020


The blog author rambling on languages, »miracle learning«, the joy of real learning, and on smiles versus emojis.

15 May 2020

The Amnesia Project

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1 May 2020


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21 April 2020


There are things you like and things you love. The author has put a thing he loves back online.

10 April 2020


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29 March 2020

Spring, Revisited

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21 March 2020


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14 March 2020

Mr Kratz

Should you consider yourself a person without problems, chances are that you just haven’t yet met the right man.

24 February 2020

Hip Quarter

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16 February 2020


Spinoza copied the blog author’s thoughts. – Or did he …?

6 February 2020


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26 January 2020


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19 January 2020

Fold Me Now

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9 January 2020

My Best (and Other) Reads in 2019

My favourite books in 2019 – the story of a ship and two classics, a novel and a philosophical essay. And other books I want to mention.

30 December 2019


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19 December 2019

Paraphrase Lost

Trying to rescue one’s language from the limbo of poor variance – supposed or real – might land us right into the middle of hell proper.

10 December 2019


What has a seafarer of Sephardic origin to do with the famous Spanish treasure fleet? And how do these two relate to a discussion on stereotypes (of the friendly kind)? – Article ahoy!

18 November 2019


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6 November 2019


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17 October 2019


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6 October 2019


The blog author lets his thoughts ramble from old sketches over his earlier predilection for science fiction to the question what has become of Utopia.

23 September 2019

Come and See

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13 September 2019

The Barton Fink Feeling – A Lullaby

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3 September 2019

Lest we forget

The humble blog author is being in a philosophical mood. Looking back to a former colleague, to the old days of kopozky.net, and … – well, old things.

20 August 2019


A golden age might look not quite as bright for someone viewing it from a different angle …

13 August 2019


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23 July 2019


For Michael, 1963 – 2019.

12 July 2019

Crowman Outside

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28 June 2019

Things Tangible

Another post card from my collection triggers another fulminant written speech. On friendship and why as a society we should aim for the attainable.

19 June 2019


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11 June 2019


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3 June 2019


How art can profit from absence of mind.

22 May 2019


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12 May 2019


How can a little yellow bear be political? And what does it have to do with May Day and Bratwurst?

1 May 2019


Life’s too short for being shy about singing and kidding around.

17 April 2019

In the Garden'

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9 April 2019

Songs in Ink (15)

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22 March 2019

On Zealots

Pondering on the good and the seemingly good. About zealots, sticklers and bigots.

18 March 2019

Through the Smokehole

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11 March 2019


A wintry childhood memory of the author.

1 February 2019


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25 January 2019


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20 January 2019

My Best Reads in 2018

My favourite books in 2018 – a brand-new novel, a classic from 1930, and two eye-opening non-fiction books.

4 January 2019


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31 December 2018

Yet Another Book …

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17 December 2018


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23 April 2018

Songs in Ink (14)

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3 April 2018

A Change

A gruesome tale exemplifying how abruptly and totally »isms« can affect hard-working people’s lives.

13 March 2018

Scribble for the Kale Trip Strip

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20 February 2018

The Kale Test Trip

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9 February 2018

My Best Reads in 2017

For lovers of literature and lists.

4 January 2018

Thrill of Christmas

A highly topical mini-drama illustrating circumstances that can make it advisable to skip a holiday. Involves yoga, artificial fragrances, and liquor.

5 December 2017

Songs in Ink (13)

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13 November 2017


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3 November 2017

An Autumnal Co-Production

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10 October 2017

A Short Story

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10 August 2017

Twain & Bierbaum

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15 June 2017


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2 August 2016

The Coach

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15 February 2016

Songs in Ink (12)

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5 June 2015

Songs in Ink (11)

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27 May 2015

Songs in Ink (10)

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15 May 2015

Songs in Ink (9)

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13 April 2015

Songs in Ink (8)

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3 April 2015

Songs in Ink (7)

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18 March 2015

Bigwigs: Friedrich Ⅱ

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19 February 2013

Bigwigs: Екатерина Ⅱ

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19 February 2013

Bigwigs: Napoléon

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17 January 2013

Bigwigs: Victoria

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30 November 2012

Bigwigs: Wilhelm Ⅱ

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13 November 2012

Bigwigs: Louis ⅩⅣ

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5 November 2012


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31 January 2012

In the Morning

Thou shalt not ponder in the morning …

17 January 2012

Songs in Ink (6)

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20 November 2011

Songs in Ink (5)

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10 November 2011

Songs in Ink (4)

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31 October 2011

Songs in Ink (3)

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21 October 2011

Songs in Ink (2)

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12 October 2011

Songs in Ink (1)

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5 October 2011


About a flatmate into whose shoes you could hardly put yourself.

19 July 2011


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29 May 2011

My First Lightbox

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23 May 2011


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18 May 2011


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18 May 2011

First Kopozky Sketches

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18 May 2011