Heyoka’s Workbench

Songs in Ink (10)

Ein Wühltier durch den tiefen Raum
Ein Wandler zwischen Wahn und Traum
Ein Maulwurf meiner Seele.

(Krankheit der Jugend, »Der Maulwurf«)

The German band »Krankheit der Jugend« were active in the late 90s and in the noughties. Their music and lyrics were very experimental, avant-garde, and enigmatic. With their label »KrankeKunstVerlag«, they were early pioneers of free music downloads (their own songs and songs of bands on their label, of course).

The above lines may be translated as: »A burrower in chthonic space, a wanderer between lunacy and dream, a mole of my mind«.

Drawing “Inked Songs (10)” illustrating the song “Der Maulwurf” by Krankheit der Jugend