Lest we forget

In my Kopozky universe, the Intern wears a cap showing a big »The Who« logo – even though I myself had never wasted much thought about that band (until very recently).
So what is it with the Intern’s cap?
It was meant as a bow to my old colleague Dirk F., a designer and a very likeable fellow. He was twenty years my senior and thus had real-life memories of the giants of 60s and 70s rock music.
The Kopozky Intern was dedicated to Dirk and to people like him. Dirk – just like the Intern – was much more than just a »web worker«. He was one of those who have friends all around the world and who are always hatching new ideas, for business and for art projects, and who cannot be stopped from investing time, money, and streams of heart’s blood into their ideas. Nothing can stop them. Or so it seems …
Dirk F. died much too soon (some years ago) and I’m sure he’s left some projects unfinished and some bright ideas untold.
He used to call himself a »mouse man«, by the way – in contrast to that noisy, hectic, fidgety programmer colleague who would always boast of never touching a mouse but doing everything by keyboard only.
Sometimes, I think that people like Dirk would have kept the idea of the internet alive, the real idea. They would have preserved and developed the good web, maybe a slower, a less excited but more exciting variant of the web. Unfortunately, it’s the anti-mouse busybodies who had the say.
If you love old music you can enjoy recordings (using what’s still great on the web – or physical media like vinyl records or old films), you can even see live videos like that of the magnificent performance of The Who at Woodstock in 1969. If you love what once was the web, however – you have nothing but your memories.